Friday, December 4, 2020

How Does Voltage Power Optimization Benefit Your Site?

Voltage Power Optimization

Voltage power optimization is an effective energy saving technology that helps ensure that the power delivered to a site or equipment is clean, regulated and optimized so that it does not exceed the optimum level. Some of the major benefits of voltage power optimization are given below: 

  • Your equipment is supplied with the optimum voltage
  • Reduction in the energy consumption & associated costs 
  • Decrease in the indirect greenhouse gas emissions
  • Overall increase in the lifetime of your equipment
  • Potential reduction in the maintenance frequency, effort, as well as costs 
  • Improvement in the overall electric power quality (depending on the type of voltage optimization technology implemented)

Prior to the installation of a voltage optimizer, it is critical to assess the present mains voltage level. As electricity supply companies charge users in kilo-Watt-hours (kWh) and kW used is related to the mains supply voltage, the higher the voltage, the more kWhs is used. Icopower ESCO is one of the companies in Kenya and Seychelles that would gladly measure your mains supply voltage and can also help correct situations, such as over-voltage, under-voltage or phase imbalances through highly cost-efficient voltage optimization solutions. Built around a proprietary and patented design, our voltage optimizers can be installed on your existing infrastructure to reduce the voltage supplied to your equipment. Our voltage optimization system works by minimizing energy consumption while remaining within the operating conditions specified by the equipment manufacturer.

Icopower ESCO is an independent Energy Saving Company in Kenya that develops, implements, and arranges its own financing for projects designed to improve the energy efficiency for business facilities over a 3-5 years time period. Apart from voltage power optimization, we offer power factor correction, energy audits, energy monitoring, thermography services, lighting retrofit, solar PV, and various other energy efficiency solutions. For more info, please visit

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Everything You Should Know About Power Quality Problems and Solutions

Power Factor Correction

Even though power authorities in all parts of the world work hard on supplying the best electric power quality that is free from corruption, local or unforeseen circumstances such as neighbouring industries, storms or accidents have often been reported to intervene and cause irregularities in the power quality and cripple the operations. With the technology evolving each day, a lot has been done to make electronic equipment less tolerant to transient voltages.

Some of the most common problems one has to experience because of poor power quality include: 

  1. Under-voltage
  2. Temporary over-voltage (TOV)
  3. Transients
  4. Power outages
  5. Noise
  6. Dropouts
  7. Harmonic distortion
  8. Frequency variations

Most of the above-mentioned problems can be dealt with efficiently by relying on power quality solutions such as

  1. Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)
  2. Filters
  3. Line Conditioners
  4. UPSs
  5. Short Break or Standby
  6. True on line
  7. Hybrid
  8. Isolation Transformers

While we try to gather information about the problems and solutions related to power quality, it is important to understand what causes fluctuations in the supply. Most power surges and disturbances are often a result of lighting and power switching transients. Switching of inductive loads such as motors, air conditioning plants, domestic appliances and more can cause huge transient spikes.

Icopower ESCO deals with problems related to power quality with the help of voltage optimization solutions, power factor correction, and harmonics. Our mission is to analyze, design, and implement energy efficiency solutions that will create value for facility owners and operators across all sectors in East Africa and beyond and we work with our clients to reduce operating expenses, upgrade and maintain infrastructure, stabilize energy costs, improve infrastructure efficiency, increase energy reliability and conserve the environment by reducing the carbon footprint.

Visit to know more.