Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How Continuous Electric Power Quality Monitoring Makes A Difference

From government and commercial buildings to manufacturing plants, health centers, and data centers, an uninterrupted power supply is crucial. Since poor power quality has several negative consequences, including a reduction in productivity, a chance the electric equipment becomes damaged, and the disruption of day to day operations. There can be several reasons behind a variation in electric power quality. These include voltage spikes, harmonic disturbances, and long and short interruptions. Here is how continuous power quality monitoring promotes electric power efficiency:
  • Accuracy of information
With the help of a dedicated critical power management system and a building management system, it is easy to generate detailed reports like wave form capture and transient harmonic displays of the electric power quality. Not only is the information accurate but it can be accessed from all parts of the world at any time of the day.
  • Detailed analytics
Constant analysis of power quality can help to get a detailed evaluation of the performance of electrical equipment over time. These analytics also help identify the exact cause of the problem and the problems that might lead to premature aging of the equipment.
  • Benefits of compliance
You are also able to learn if your facility complies with the regulatory reporting requirements of certain associations. This can further help in solving the energy costs, minimizing complaints related to power issues, and maintaining a good reputation with tenants.
  • Faster recovery
Noticing a problem in the early stages can help you be proactive in scheduling repairs and future maintenance.

Icopower ESCO is an Energy Service Company that is experienced in offering effective delivery mechanisms to provide the maximum amount of energy efficiency resources, project financing, and technologies possible. They develop, implement, and arrange their own financing for projects which are specifically designed to improve energy efficiency for facilities over a period of 3 to 5 years. The services provided by Icopower ESCO include solar PV, maintenance, installation, thermography, measurement and verification, LED lighting retrofit, energy monitoring, energy savings contracts, and energy audits. You can find out more about our company and the services we offer at https://www.icopower-esco.com.

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